Thyroid gland produces 2 iodinated hormones
- T3 (triiodothyronine)
- T4 (tetraiodothyronine)
They promote metabolism, growth & development. Both hormone need iodine, the iodine binds to thyrosine in the thyroglobulin (colloid) to produce T3/T4. This process is called organification.
- Graves disease
- Increase TSH receptor stimulation
- Increase production of T3 & T4 by thyroid gland
- Increase TSH receptor stimulation
- Types of treatment for hyperthyroidism:
- Drugs that decrease hormone synthesis
- Selective radiation with Iodine-131.
- Surgical removal of part/all of the thyroid gland (thyroidectomy)
- Use Propanolol (B-blocker) for treating increaed sympathetic effect of thyroid hormones.
- Useful for preoperation & thyroid storm
- Usually caused by Autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto)
- Primary thyroid failure
- Symptoms:
- Reversible slowing of body functions
- Lethargy
- Tiredness
- Decreased BMR
- Decreased appetite
- Decreased Cardiac output
- Dry skin
- Cold intolerance
- Increased weight
- Constipation
- Myxoedema
- Diagnosis
- Low free thyroxin (T3,T4)
- but High TSH (Primary hypothyroidism)
- In infants, may lead to cretinism (dwarfism) & mental retardation
- Requires thyroid replacement therapy (thyroxine)
Drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism
a. Drugs that decrease hormone synthesis
1. Thionamides (methimazole, propylthiouracil)
- Inhibit organification by blocking enzyme thyroxine peroxidase which promotes coupling of iodide with tyrosine (to produce MIT/DIT)
- Onset of effect up to 3-4 weeks
- Long duration due to time for depletion of horrmone that were already produced, requires 3-4 weeks to be used up)
- All given par-oral
- Drug accumulates in thyroid
- Goal is to administer thionamides until patient is euthyroid and then decrease maintanence dose to prevent lapse into hypothyroidism
- May stop treatment after 1-2 years
- Cross sensitivity between propylthiouracil & methimazole ~50%
- Both sensitive by 50%
Adverse effects:
- Immunosuppressive
- Agranulocytosis
- manifests commonly in sore throat
- Other
- Nausea
- Taste disturbance
- Pruritic rash
- Fever
- Vasculitis
- Arthralgia (joint ache)
- Cholestatic jaundice
- hepatitis
- lymphadenopathy
- hypoprothrombinaemia
2. Propylthiouracil
- Inhibits peripheral deiodination of T4 to T3
- Reserved for patients who are intolerant to Carbimazole
- 1/10 activity of Methimazole
Adverse effect: High Agranulocytosis
- Fever/Sore throat should be reported (precedes agranulocytosis)
3. Carbimazole (prodrug)
- Drug of choice in Grave’s disease*
- Converted in vivo to methimazole
- 1st pass effect
4. Anion Inhibitors (Potassium Perchlorate)
- Inhibits the uptake of iodine (competitively, so organification cannot happen without iodine)
Adverse effect: Aplastic anaemia
- Therefore, rarely used.
5. Iodide (Supersaturated potassium iodide solution SSKI, Lugol’s solution)
- Inhibits organification & hormone release
- *Decreases size & vascularity of gland
- Useful for pre-thyroidectomy
- Goiters are highly vascular (prevent excessive blood loss)
- Reduces conversion of T4 to T3
- Inhibits thyrotropin action
Course of action:
- Quick effect (2-7 days)
- Useful in thyroid storm
- Faster than thionamides (3-4 weeks)
- Short term treatment
- antithyroid effect decreases
Adverse effects:
- Iodism (rare)
- Can be easily reversed by withdrawal of iodide
- Seen in iodism:
- Rash
- Swollen salivary glands
- Conjunctivitis
- Rhinorhoea
- drug fever
- metalic taste
b. Selective radiation with Iodine-131
- Emits beta rays which destroys thyroid tissue within few weeks
- Given par-oral
- Drug concentrated on thyroid (only act on thyroid)
- Stabilize patient with Carbimazole 1st
- Stop Carbimazole 3-4 days before administer Iodine-131
- Takes 3-4 days to become euthyroid
Drugs used to treat hypothyroidism
a. Thyroxine – T4 (Levothyroxine sodium)
- Treatment of choice**
- Na+ salt of L-thyroxine
- levothyroxine sodium
- Synthetic (most widely used thyroid hormone)
- Given par-oral
Course of action:
- Effects delayed until plasma protein & tissue binding sites are occupied
- More protein bound
- When binding sites are saturated, then the free T4 effect will be seen
- Levels of TSH will drop when adequate levels of T4 are reached
b. Thyroxine – T3 (Liothyronine sodium)
- Na+ salt of T3
- Used together with hydrocortisone (steroid) in hypothyroid coma
Course of action:
- Faster action than T4
- Less protein bound
- More free drug, more effect
- Clinical response about 4 times as rapid as T4, so more adverse effects
- Therefore less used than T4
c. Combination of T3 & T4 (Liotrix)
- Constituent of many commercial thyroid hormone in fixed ratio of T4:T3 –> 4:1
- Ratio normally released in the body
- More T4 as compared to T3 in the body
- Mimics ratio of normal thyroid secretion
- Expensive
- No special advantage
- The cheaper Levothyroxine T4 will be automatically converted to T3 in the body
- Given T4 only should do the trick, no need for a combination
Clinical scenario:
A 25 y.o male presented with clinical features of bulging of both eyes, excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis), fine tremor of outstretched hands and loss of weight.
What is the likely diagnosis?
- Hyperthyroidism
- After ruling out cancer, anorexia, or salbutamol overdose (causes fine tremor)
What would the BP be like?
- Increased.
- Increased sympathetic activity due to increased metabolism
What is the condition of the bulging eyes called?
- Exophthalmus
- Proptosis: 1 eye bulging
The patient goes into thyroid storm. Name 2 drugs that you will use.
- Iodide
- Propanolol
What are their mechanisms of action?
- Iodide inhibits organification & hormone release, also reduces conversion of T4 to T3
- Propanolol is a beta blocker. It decreases the sympathetic activy & the blood pressure.
Iodide is used in cough syrup – TRUE?
Iodide increases T4-T3 – FALSE
Iodide causes rapid & acute thyrotoxicosis -FALSE