Behavioural factors in antenatal care & childbirth

  • By: Terri
  • Date: May 26, 2010
  • Time to read: 1 min.

Read from Dr. Galy’s notes. Just some brief notes on some of the important points in the lecture.

Theoretical views on pregnancy

  • calm dream-like period
  • Inherently emotional, psychological & social stress

Relationship changes

  • relationship with baby
    • relationship with father is later
  • disadvantageous to male partner
  • woman more skilled than men at decoding
    • facial expressions
    • body cues
    • tones of voice

Consequences of lack of social support to mother

  • abuse of child
  • post partum depression
    • overwhelming feelings of sadness
    • lack of interest in activies
    • guilt/feeling of worthelessness

Antenatal screening

  • Ultrasound
  • Chorionic villus

Assessment tool


  • AL-antenatal
  • P-psychological
  • H-health
  • A-assessment

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