
Basal Ganglia

Read from written notes. Some images on basal ganglia

Blood supply of the brain & spinal cord

Read written notes. Images on blood vessels supplying the brain: _____________________________________________________________________ Blood supply to the spinal cord: _____________________________________________________________________ Clinical Anatomy BRAIN Too delicate to bear hypoglycaemia/anoxia/hypoxia Damage Reversible beyond 3 minutes Irreversible beyond 7 minutes Arteries are ‘end arteries’ Conditions that may arise: Aneurysms Stroke (haemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism) Medial medullary (Dejerine) syndrome Ant spinal artery…

Brain stem

Read the written notes. Some images of the brain stem:   _____________________________________________________________________ Dorsal surface: Identify: Gracilis & Cuneatus FASCICULUS Gracilis & Cuneatus NUCLEUS Gracile & Cuneate TUBERCLES   _____________________________________________________________________ Midbrain: _____________________________________________________________________ Cerebellar peduncles _____________________________________________________________________ Cranial nerves seen in the brainstem _____________________________________________________________________

Cranial Nerves

Read the printed table.

Branchial arches

Forms the anatomical bases for head & neck development Related to gill (brachial system) & located near the developing pharynx (pharyngeal) of the embryo. The branchial apparatus consists of: Branchial (pharyngeal) arches mesoderm Branchial (pharyngeal) clefts ectoderm Pharyngeal pouches endoderm Simultaneous with the development of the arches & clefts a number of outpocketings arise in…

Sutures of the skull & Frontanelle

Sutures: Immobile joints that unites the several separate bones of the skull. The connective tissue between the bones is called a sutural ligament. The mandible is an exception to this rule, for it is united to the skull by the mobile temporomandibular joint Sutures of the skull: Coronal suture: btwn frontal & parietal bone Squamousal…

Base of the skull

Taken from emedicine: (revise boundaries with snells) Introduction to skull base anatomy: The skull base forms the floor of the cranial cavity and separates the brain from other facial structures. This anatomic region is complex and poses surgical challenges for otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons alike. Working knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of the skull…

Ascending & Descending tracts of spinal cord

General overview Ascending tracts Sensory Descending tracts Motor General arrangement of both tracts 1st order neuron 2nd order neuron 3rd order neuron The only difference is the different locations where each order of neuron ends. Decussation is the cross-over of the tract from one side to the other. Therefore, there are instances where the left…

Ventricular system & cerebrospinal fluid

Meninges Dura mater outer layer lining the skull Arachnoid mater Space beneath is the subarachnoid space contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains blood vessels Pia mater covers the brain _____________________________________________________________ Subarachnoid space Space between the arachnoid and pia mater contains CSF Lies over the hemispheres the space is narrow At the cerebello-medullary angle pia mater and…

Organization of the Cerebral Cortex

Organization Cortex consists of neurons Types Pyramidal (main) Stellate Fusiform Horizontal neuroglia nerve fibres blood vessels Cortex forms a gray matter covers there areas cerebral hemispheres obscures diencephalone upper brain stem Surface area of the brain has been increased multiple times to accommodate 10 billion neurons Gyri convolutions Sulci fissues Functional aspects Receives sensory information…