Neurotransmitters & Neuropharmacology

  • By: Terri
  • Date: November 4, 2010
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Neurotramission in the CNS

  • Hierarchical systems
    • clear anatomic distribution
    • large myelinated rapidly conducting fibres
    • control major sensory & motor functions
    • Major excitatory neurotransmitter
      • aspartate
      • glutamate
    • inhibitory neurotransmitters
      • GABA
      • Glycine
  • Diffuses systems
    • broadly distributed
    • divergent
      • axons branched and synapses with many cells
    • act diffusely far away from site of release
    • produce slow and long lasting & diverse effects on NT synthesis, effect on receptors & ionic conductance
    • Examples
      • NA
      • Adrenaline
      • Dopamine
      • serotonin
      • peptides

Synaptic transmission

  • Chemical mediators involved in synaptic transmission in CNS
    • Neurotransmitter
      • substance contained in a neuron, released by presynaptic terminals to produce excitatory/inhibitory responses in postsynaptic neurons
      • eg
        • acetylcholine
        • serotonin
        • noradrenaline
        • adrenaline
        • dopamine
        • GABA
        • glutamate
    • Neuromodulator
      • substance that is released by neurons & astrocytes – produces slower pre/postsynaptic responses
      • eg
        • CO2
        • ammonia
        • nitric oxide
    • Neurotropic factor
      • substance released by non-neuronal cells
        • act on tyrosine-kinase-linked receptors
        • regulate gene expression, control neuronal growth, & phenotypic characteristics
      • eg
        • growth factors
        • cytokines
        • chemokines

Neurotransmitter classification

  • Classical, non-peptide NT
    • Monoamines
      • NA. A
      • Dopamine
      • 5-HT
      • Histamine
    • Acetylcholine
    • Amino acids
      • Inhibitory amino acids (IAA)
        • GABA
        • Glycine
      • Excitatory amino acids (EAA)
        • glutamate
        • aspartate
  • Peptide NT
    • Substance P
    • Opioid peptides
    • Others
      • Vasopressin
      • Oxytocin
      • Tachykinins
      • CCK
      • NPY
      • VIP
  • Others
    • Nitric oxide
    • Adenosine
    • Cannabinoid
    • Purines
    • Arachidonic acid

Synthesis, storage, release & fate of neurotransmitters


*Revise from Dr Achike’s foundation 2 notes


Neurotransmitter – Criteria for acceptance

  1. Present in presynaptic terminal
  2. Synthesised in the neuron
  • Precursors
    • Tryptophan (for 5-HT)
    • Choline (for ACh)
  • Presence of rate-limiting enzymatic step
    • Enzymes usually in soma and nerve terminals
  • Stored in synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals
  • Released from nerve terminal
    • following an action potential which causes calcium influx
  • Same substance applied exogenously in small concentrations produce same action
    • same receptors
  • Specific mechanism exists terminating its action
    • enzymatic breakdown
      • ACh
    • Specific uptake using transporter protein
      • NA
      • dopamine
      • 5-HT
    • Once in axoplasm, NT is subjected to enzymatic metabolism

    Signalling mechanism for drug effects


    1. Intracellular receptor
    2. Transmembrane Enzyme Receptor
    • Receptor & Effector on same molecule
  • Transmembrane Enzyme Receptor
    • Effector on separate molecule from Receptor
  • Transmembrane ion channels
    • Ionotropic
  • G-protein-coupled receptors
    • Act on separate effector molecule
    • Metabotropic





    • Clusters of cell bodies
      • in the locus coeruleus (LC) in the brain stem
      • Axons project to cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum
        • via the medial forebrain bundle
      • Other NA neurons lying close to the LC in the pons & medulla
      • Nerve terminals release NA diffusely
    • Actions
      • reward system
      • mood
      • arousal, attention, learning, memory
      • neuroendocrine regulation
      • blood pressure regulation
    • Actions in CNS
      • Generally inhibitory
        • Sometimes excitatory
      • In LC
        • Silent during sleep, increase in activity during arousal/unfamiliar wake-up stimuli
          • depending on modd, depressed patients are unresponsive
    • Effect of CNS drugs on NA
      • CNS stimulants increase wakefulness and alertness
        • amphetamine releases catecholamines in brain
      • NA Involved in BP regulation
        • Clonidine (in the nucleus tractus solitarus) reduce sympathetic outflow from the vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata leading to fall in BP
    • Psychotropic drugs
      • Excitation (related to biogenic amines)
        • Tricyclic antidepressants, coccaine
          • block reuptake
        • amphetamines
          • block uptake, increase release
        • monoamine oxid
          ase inhibitors
          • block metabolism
      • Sedation/depression
        • reserpine
          • depletes stores
        • clonidine, alpha-methyldopa
          • reduce sympathetic outflow


    • Small group of adrenergic neurons with cells bodies
      • lying more ventrally to the NA neurons in the brain stem
      • their axons run in the pons, medulla and hypothalamus
      • important in control of CVS
    • Descending fibres which run to the lateral horn of the spinal cord
      • increase sympathetic discharge in the periphery


    • Cell bodies at all levels.
      • Short, median and long axons
    • Pathways
      • Mesolimbic mesocortical pathway
        • reward, motivation, hyperactivity
        • increase – schizophrenia
        • actions of antipsychotic drugs
      • Nigrostriatal pathway
        • motor control
        • decrease – Parkinson’s
        • actions of drugs for Parkinson’s disease
      • Tuberoinfundibular/Tuberohypophyseal pathway
        • endocrine control
        • side effects of antipsychotic drugs
    • Receptor families (G-protein coupled receptors)
      • D1 family
        • subtypes D1, D5
      • D2 family
        • subtypes D2, D3, D4
          • Antipsychotic drugs block D2 receptors
          • Clozapine act on D4 receptors
    • Important in
      • Schizophrenia
      • Parkinson’s disease
      • ADHD
      • Drug dependence & certain endocrine disorders
    • Inhibit
      • release of prolactin – enchance release of growth hormone
    • High concentration of dopamine found in
      • basal ganglia
      • limbic system
      • hypothalamus
    • Metabolised by
      • MAO –> DOPAC
      • COMT and MAO –> HVA
    • Reuptake of Dopamine blocked by (block amine transporter)
      • cocaine
      • amphetamine
        • block NA at presynaptic terminal of neuron
    • Also stimulates
      • chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)
        • -> nausea, vomiting

    5-HT Systems/Serotonin

    • Cell bodies in
      • raphe/midline region of the pons & upper brain stem
      • axons project diffusely via midbrain bundle to the cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus
      • cells at the caudal part of the brain stem project to the cerebellum, medulla and spinal cord
    • Functions
      • feeding behaviour
        • body weight regulation
      • hallucinations
      • sleep, wakefullness
      • mood
      • sensory impulse transmission (nociception)
      • body temperature, blood pressure, sexual functions
      • vomiting
    • All receptor subtypes: metabotropic
      • except 5HT3-R: ionotropic
    • Receptors in CNS
      • 5HT1A-R
        • limit the firing of cells in raphe & limbic system
        • anxiolytics
        • antidepressants
      • 5HT1B-R and 5HT1D-R
        • presynaptic inhibitory receptors in basal ganglia
        • 5HT1B-R and 5HT2C-R agonists
          • decrease appetite
        • 5HT-1D-R agonists (sumatriptan)
          • treat migraine
      • 5HT2-R
        • excitatory postsynaptic effect
          • abundant in cortex & limbic system
        • target at various hallucinogenic drugs
      • 5HT3-R (in area postrema)
        • involved in vomiting
        • in cortex and brain stem extending to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
          • excitatory in function
        • 5HT3-R antagonist
          • ondansetron
            • used for nause, vomiting
              • chemotherapy
            • anxiolytic effect
      • 5HT4-R (in striatum)
        • has presynaptic effect to increase ACh release
          • enhance cognition


    5HT 1 raphe & limbic system
    5HT 2 cortex & limbic system
    5HT 3 cortex & brain stem
    5HT 4 striatum

    Clinical uses:

    5HT 1A-R Antidepressants
    5HT 1B & 2C-R agonists Decrease appetite
    5HT 1D-R agonists Treat migraine (sumatriptan)
    5HT 3-R antagonist treat nausea & vomiting – chemotherapy (ondansetron)


    • Cell bodies at all levels with short & long axons
      • basal forebrain –> cortex, interneurons in basal ganglia
      • brainstem –> thalamus
      • septum –> hippocampus
    • Action
      • arousal, learning, motor control, memory
        • Physostigmine (anti AChE)
          • arousal (+ ACh)
        • Atropine (muscarinic receptor antagonist)
          • sedation (-ACh)
        • Hyoscine (muscarinic receptor antagonist)
          • amnesia
    • Receptors
      • Muscarinic-R (G-protein coupled)
        • many subtypes
        • Agonists
          • inhibit ACh release
        • Antagonists
          • increase ACh release
      • Nicotinic-R (ionotropic)
        • widespread
        • many subtypes
        • located presynaptically
          • facilitate release of other neurotransmitters (glotamate, dopamine)
    • Abnormalities of cholinergic pathways (decrease cognition)
      • dementia
      • parkinson’s & huntington’s
        • dysfunction of many local interneurons in corpus striatum
        • associated with motor coordination loss
      • alzheimer’s
        • degene
          ration of neurons in the magnocellular forebrain nuclei
        • associated with memory loss


    • Neurons originate in
      • magnocellular nuclei in posterior hypothalamus (called tuberomamillary nucleus)
    • Widespread distribution
    • Action
      • arousal
      • neuroendocrine regulation
      • strongly anti-emetic
        • treat nausea, vomiting
    • Receptors
      • H1
        • excitatory
        • antagonist: strongly sedative
      • H2
        • inhibitory
      • H3
        • excitatory

    Amino acid neurotramitters – Glutamic acid (eaa)

    • Found in relay neurons at all levels
    • 4 receptor subtypes
      • NMDA receptor
        • excitatory
        • blocked by PCP and ketamine
        • involved in synaptic plasticity related to learning & memory
        • excessive activation following a neuronal injury may cause cell death
      • AMPA receptor
        • fast EPSP
        • wide distribution
      • Kainate-receptor
        • fast EPSP
        • limited distribution
        • presynaptc inhibiton
      • Metabotropic subtype
        • G-protein coupled
        • found in pre & post synaptic
          • presynaptic: inhibitory
          • postsynaptic: excitatory
        • involved in synaptic plasticity and excitotoxicity

    Amino acid neurotransmitters – GABA

    • Main NT mediating IPSP in brain and spinal cord
    • 2 receptor subtypes
      • GABA-a
        • open Cl- channels
        • activated by:
          • benzodiazepines
            • sedative-hypnotic
            • anxiolytic
          • barbiturates
          • gabapentin
            • anticonvulsant
      • GABA-b
        • metabotropic
        • coupled to G-protein that either open K+ channels / close Ca2+ channels
        • activated by baclofen


    • Most coexist with classical NT and act together with other NT
    • Substance P & glutamate
      • used in control of pain
    • Examples of neuropeptides
      • Opioid peptides
        • distributed all over brain & spinal cord
        • Presynaptic: inhibitory
          • decrease Ca2+ conductance
          • decrease cAMP
        • Postsynaptic: inhibitory
          • increase K+ conductance
          • decrease cAMP
      • Substance P
        • found in type C neurons
        • involved in pain/nociceptive sensory pathways in spinal cord
    • Comparison between neuropeptides with classical neurotransmitter
      • Difference
        • synthesis of pro-peptides occur in rough endoplasmic reticulum of the soma
        • the processed and secreted in vesicles which are transported via the axon to nerve endings
        • during transport, active peptides are generated within the vesicles
        • No reuptake /specific enzymes exist for terminating their action
        • once empty, vesicles cannot be refilled, but must be replaced with preloaded vesicles
      • Similarity
        • at nerve terminals, peptides are released via exocytosis in response to increased intracellular Ca2+ / other signals
        • effects can be
          • excitatory
          • inhibtory
          • pre/post synaptic
          • exerted over short/long distances
        • peptides serve mainly as neuromodulators by activating G-protein coupled receptors
        • Longer onset of action

    Other neurotransmitters & neuromodulators

    • Nitric Oxide (NO)
    • Purines (ATP, Adenosine)
    • Adenosine
      • not stored in vesicles
        • released by carrier
    • Methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline)
      • antogonists of A2 receptors
      • cause wakefullness
    • Melatonin
      • synthesised from 5HT in pineal gland
      • Depends on light intensity
        • low in the day
        • high at night
      • Causes sedation and resets biological clock
        • medicine for jet lag


    Drugs acting on CNS

    • General
      • General anaesthetics
    • Selective
      • Analgesics, Antypyretics, antiemetics
      • Stimulants
      • Appetite suppressants
      • Antidepressant, antipsychotic
      • Drugs for
        • epilepsy
        • Parkinson’s
        • Alzheimer’s
        • Migraine

    Site & Mechanism of drug actions

    • Direct interactions with molecular components of ion channels on axons
      • eg. carbamazepine, phenytoin, local anaesthetics, general anaesthetics
    • Interaction at synapses (most drugs)
      • Presynaptic
        • alter synthesis, storage, release, reuptake or metabolism of the neurotransmitter
      • Activate/inhibit both pre/post synaptic receptors for specific transmitters
      • Interfere with actions of 2nd messengers

    CNS drugs are selective, because different groups of neurons use different neurotransmitters. These are grouped into networks with different functions.

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