Read from Dr. Yadav’s notes, just summarise.
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer for females in malaysia
- Cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer
- Incidence of cancer is highest for chinese
- People who develop breast cancer often have higher endogenous oestrogen & androgen levels
- Risk facts: BRCA1 & 2, smoking, alcohol, obesity
- More common in white western woman
- Rare in Japan & Taiwan
Manchester staging
- Stage 1
- confined to breast tissue
- Stage 2
- peau d’orange infiltration of the skin
- axillary nodes palpable (N1)
- Stage 3
- peau d’orange
- tumour fixed to pectoralis major
- axillary node fixed (N2)
- Supraclavicular node palpable
- Stage 4
- Chest wall fixation
- Involve opposite breast & axilla
- distant metastasis
Primary prevention
- healthy lifestyle
Secondary prevention
- Screening
- Breast self examination (BSE)
- Mammography
Breast self examination – Inspection technique
- Appropriate exposure
- check infront of mirror
- Inspection & compare both breast
- size
- skin changes
- colour
- induration
- discharge
- More than 40 yo
- high risk of breask cancer
- A selenium coated xray plate directly in contract with the breast is exposed to low voltage and high ampere xray
- can detect early stage of cancer
- calcification
- Painful
- Not suitable to young age
- expensive
Primary prevention of cervical cancer
- Vaccine produced by Merck Co.
- Prevent 100% cervical cancer
- CIN 2 & CIN 3
- Prevent 100% vulvar & vaginal pre-cancers
- HPV 16 & 18
- Prevent 95% low grade cervical lesions (CIN 1) & precancers (CIN2, CIN 3)
- HPV 6, 11,16,18
- Prevent 99% genital warts
- HPV 6, 11, 16, 18