Osteomyelitis Definition: Inflammation of the bone & marrow Challenging to treat less choice of effective antibiotics less penetrance of antibiotics into the bone infection will lead to disability/morbidity! viruses bacteria parasites fungi 2 types of osteomyelitis Pyogenic osteomyelitis (Acute) Infection reach bone by Hematogenous spread (most common) Extension from contiguous site Direct implantation Microorganisms Staphylococcus…
Types of bone disorders: Inherited Achondroplasia Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osteopetrosis Abnormal mineral homeostasis/mineralization Rickets Osteomalacia Renal osteodystrophy Abnormal matrix Osteoporosis Osteogenesis Imperfecta Reduced bone mass Neoplasia multiple myeloma carcinomatosis Osteoclast dysfunction Osteopetrosis Pagets disease of the bone Caused by renal dysfunction Renal osteodystrophy Circulatory disturbances Osteonecrosis (Avascular necrosis) _____________________________________________________________________ Inherited bone disorders Achondroplasia common form of…
Some terminology Azotemia Definition: Raised blood urea nitrogen and creatinine in blood. Due to decreased GFR Causing biochemical abnormality Cause may be: Renal Extrarenal Pre-renal: hypoperfusion (low BP) Post-renal: obstruction Uraemia Definition: Azotemia + clinical signs & symptoms Cause may be: Metabolic Endocrine Gastrointestinal: Uraemic gastroenteritis Peripheral nerves: peripheral neuropathy Heart: Uraemic fibrinous pericarditis Proteinuria…
Read from Dr. Annie’s notes! Disorders of development Supernumerary nipples/breast multiple Accessory axillary breast tissue Congenital inversion of nipples Macromastia/Micromastia Inflammations Acute mastitis lactating period due to formation of cracks & fissures in the nipple during lactation Staph aureus, strep localized area of acute inflammation pain serous fluid single/multiple abscesses drainage required extensive necrosis some…
Read from Dr. Annie’s notes! Disorders of the uterus Adenomyosis Endometrium Hyperplasia Carcinoma Myometrium Leiomyoma Leiomyosarcoma Endometriosis image: ovarian cyst (chocolate cyst) Def: Presence of endometrial glands/stroma in abnormal locations outside the uterus Occurs everywhere except the brain Often cause infertlity, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain ovarian cyst (chocolate cyst) Adenomyosis Def: presence of endometrial tissue in…
Read from Dr. Vijay Singh’s notes and also cases! Dr. Goljan’s book will also be good. Risk factors: multiple sex partners early menarche HPV infection Infection Chlamydia Trachomatis Smoking Oral contraceptives Transplantation Clinical features Abnormal bleeding between periods : metrorrhagia with intercourse: postcoital spotting after menopause cervical ulceration bloody/purulent discharge no pruritus bladder & rectal…
Read cases instead! Disorders of penis Congenital Hypospadias ventral (down) Epispadias dorsal (up) Phimosis Paraphymosis Clinical consequences: Constriction of orifice, urinary tract obstruction/infection, impaired reproductive function Inflammation Balanoposthitis/Balanitis inflammation of the glans poor local hygience (uncircumcised) distal penis swollen (with/without purulent discharge) Phimosis prepuce cannot be easily retracted over glans may be congenital associated with…
Hyperthyroidism Clinical features: Increased BMR Heat intolerance Weight loss Increased appetite Peripheral vasodilation increase heat loss increase blood flow skin soft, warm & flushed Increase cardiac output tachycardia palpitations, arrhythmias cardiomegaly congestive cardiac failure cardiomyopathy Overactivity of sympathetic nervous system tremor hyperactive anxiety inability to concentrate insomnia proximal muscle weakness due to muscle mass loss…
Summary of thyroid tumour: Usually tumours seen are primary epithelial tumours. Adenomas are benign & carcinomas are malignant. Classification By it’s histogenic/differention properties: Exhibiting follicular cell differentiation (95%) Exhibiting C-cell differentition Exhibiting follocular & C-cell differentiation Types of thyroid tumours Epithelial tumours follicular adenoma (most common) papillary adenoma Hurthle cell (oncocytic) tumours hyperfunctioning follicular cell…
Pheochromocytoma Also known as: paraganglioma, chromaffinoma Intra-adrenal sympathetic paraganglioma Sporadic lesions: tend to be unilateral Familial lesions: tend to be bilateral 1.4-18% are incidentalomas Co-exist with extra-adrenal paragangliomas (can also occur outside adrenal medulla) Rule of 10 Pheochromocytoma associated genetic syndromes: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) type 2 Von-Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome Neurofibromatosis (NF) type 1 Hereditary…